CrowdX Market Rules

Acceptance and adherence to our market rules are mandatory for access to and or inclusion in our secondary market.



1. General Market Rules for all Participants.
2. Statement of Principles
3. Corporate Advisor 
4. Application process for membership of the Platform
5. Disclosures and transparency
6. Admission of securities
7. Issuer obligations after joining CrowdX
8. Suspensions and Termination
9. Investigations, Sanctions and Discipline
10. Approved Intermediaries
11. Investor Access and Orders


This document covers the rules and guidance (the “Market Rules”) for application to, and
use of, the services present on CrowdX’s website at (the “Platform”)
and applies to:

  • Firms applying to use the Platform to issue shares (each an “Issuer”); and
  • Brokers registered with CrowdX (“Approved Intermediaries”).


CrowdX will annually review these rules, which may result in alterations, and a breach of the Market Rules will be a breach of a participant’s agreement with CrowdX.

If you have any questions regarding the information within these Market Rules, or wish to discuss the application process, please get in touch with:

CrowdX operates a bulletin board and is not a Recognised Investment Exchange (RIE), recognised clearing house, regulated market or multilateral trading facility within the meaning of the Markets and Financial Instruments Directive.

Shares available on the Platform are not publicly listed securities.

CrowdX is an appointed representative of Prosper Capital LLP (FRN 453007), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Disclaimers and risk warnings

Neither CrowdX nor Prosper Capital LLP have performed due diligence in assessing the truth, accuracy or completeness of any information made available on the Platform.

That information originates from companies traded on CrowdX and which CrowdX shares on behalf of those companies.

Each Member Company and its directors are solely responsible for the information published concerning that Member Company.

CrowdX and Prosper Capital LLP deny any liability or responsibility for such information.

CrowdX does not provide advice on the merits of individual investments available or on the merits of investing in unlisted securities in general.

Approved Intermediaries should carry out their own due diligence on Issuers

1. General Market Rules for all Participants.

1.1CrowdX market hours are from 08:00 until 04:30 (GMT, adjusted for
daylight saving). This period is when limit orders (“Orders”) and price
requests (“PR”) will be received on the Platform
1.2The Issuer Trading Window is the period when actions can be taken
for Orders and PRs by specific Issuers
1.3Orders and PRs will not be acted upon unless the Issuer Trading
Window for the security in consideration is open. Trading Window
times per Issuer will be made known to Participants.
1.4CrowdX does not change or affect stocks' prices. Issuers set the prices
for issues of new securities, and investors set levels at which they
would be prepared to buy and/or sell through Orders and PRs.
1.5CrowdX never takes a position as an issuer. All trades are carried out
between Issuers and Approved Intermediaries or between Approved
Intermediaries directly.
1.6Clearing and custody will be handled through an independent party
or parties.
1.7All trades settled on a T2 basis and market circuit breakers are set to a
default 5% move from the last traded price.

2. Statement of Principles

2.1The CrowdX Applications Committee (“the Committee”) expects all
Issuers listed on CrowdX to abide by the following set of principles.
These have been put in place to protect the interests of shareholders
and future stakeholders and are the main guidance for CrowdX-listed
2.1.1maintain an open and professional relationship with CrowdX;
2.1.2directors should maintain a high standard of ethical behaviour in
line with their own declared and reported code of ethics;
2.1.3 give CrowdX any required information relating to the Issuer and
its business promptly and ensure the data is accurate, complete
and not misleading;
2.1.4as soon as possible, announce all price sensitive information to
CrowdX for publication to keep investors aware of developments;
2.1.5maintain familiarity and compliance with the terms of these
Market Rules, as amended from time to time;
2.1.6have high standards of corporate governance and ensure that the
Issuer has corporate governance procedures appropriate to the
size and nature of its business and appropriate committees in
place to support Board decisions; and
2.1.7comply with all appropriate legal and regulatory requirements at
the time of admission and subsequently concerning its securities
on CrowdX.

3. Corporate Advisor

3.1Applicants should appoint and retain a suitable corporate advisor to
assist with the application process and provide advice on obligations
once accepted.
3.2You can find a list of CrowdX approved corporate advisors on our
website at: Corporate advisors must also comply
with CrowdX Market Rules.
3.3However, there is no guarantee that a subsequent application will be
3.4A corporate advisor may apply for membership and/or new issuance
on the Issuer's behalf.

4. Application process for membership of the Platform

4.1For eligibility for admission to the Platform, an Issuer must satisfy the
Application Committee that, at the time of application, it:-
4.1.1is incorporated in the United Kingdom;
4.1.2has a corporate bank account with a UK credit institution;
4.1.3has at least two year’s accounts which the Issuer has made up
no more than nine months before either the date of admission
to CrowdX or with the publication of an Offer Document (if
4.1.4has management information and internal control systems
appropriate to its size to provide a reasonable basis for the
Issuer to make informed decisions about its financial position
and prospects;
4.1.5the Issuer can demonstrate that when admitting securities for
dealing, they are freely transferable;
4.1.6the Issuer can demonstrate that its directors have relevant
experience and capacity for the business seeking membership
to CrowdX and with a suitably qualified person in charge of
the Issuer’s finance function; and
4.1.7The Issuer can demonstrate the presence on the board of
directors of one or more persons independent of either the
controlling shareholders or the executive management team.
4.2Companies wishing to become a member of the Platform must
submit the following via our online portal:
4.2.1a completed CrowdX online application form;
4.2.2submit complete Capitalisation Table/Shareholders Register
4.2.3completed CrowdX Declarations of a Director’s Business
Activities signed by each director of the company;
4.2.4a copy of the issuer’s Memorandum and Articles of Association
(in PDF format);
4.2.5the issuer’s report and accounts of the last two years or since
4.2.6agree to be screened for AML/KYC checks before onboarding.
4.3During the application process, The Application Committee may
inquire about the Issuer, its advisers or regulators and request any
additional information that it considers appropriate to determine the
applicant's suitability for admission as a member of the Platform.
4.4After the application process is complete, access to the documents
will be frozen to prevent further editing. The client will commit to
their application on CrowdX, and the documents disclosed will be
considered the final version.

5. Disclosures and transparency

5.1At any point after making an application (to become a member of the
Platform), the Issuer, its directors or advisors become aware that any
contents of the documents submitted as part of the application are
no longer accurate or complete; the Issuer must immediately notify
the Application Committee. The Application Committee may decide if
the application may proceed and whether any conditions should be
attached to membership.
5.2Acceptance as a Platform member does not guarantee that CrowdX
will approve an application for the new issuance of shares. The
Application Committee reserves the right to refuse to approve any
Issuer’s application for admission to CrowdX at any time.
5.3The company's fees payable to CrowdX (the "Fees") will be agreed
upon in a separate document. Fees will comprise:
1. annual membership fee of £10,000; and
2. fundraising fees between 3% and 5% negotiable on transaction
Dealings in and admission of an Issuer's securities will not commence
nor occur until CrowdX receives payment in full for any outstanding
fees due. The Application Committee reserves the right to suspend
dealings in an Issuer's securities in the event of non-payment.

6. Admission of securities

6.1For the issuance of new securities, the Issuer must have
arrangements in place for the electronic settlement of transactions in
its securities and must provide;
6.1.1a draft of the Offer Document (in PDF format) for review;
6.1.2the Issuer’s anti-bribery and inducements policy (per the
Bribery Act 2010);
6.1.3a copy of a board resolution of the Issuer:
6.1.3.aauthorising the Issuer to seek admission of its
securities to, and connecting with, CrowdX;
6.1.3.bconfirming the accuracy and completeness of the
contents of the Offer Document and that any other
information provided to CrowdX for admission of the
Issuer’s securities is verified.
6.1.3.cauthorising the allotment of the shares to be issued
per the Issuer’s articles of association
6.1.3.dconfirming the disapplication of any pre-emption
rights if required.
6.2Before an Issuer seeks admission of its securities to CrowdX, it will be
required to submit to the Committee and publish an Offer Document
and Term Sheet. The Issuer must provide the Offer Document and
Term Sheet to CrowdX at least ten business days before the
admission date.
6.3Admission to CrowdX is not a comment on the Issuer’s suitability as
an investment.
6.4An Offer Document must be published before admission and,
subject to the exceptions set out in the relevant law and regulation,
must include:
6.4.1all information required to be included by law and regulation
(the “Offer Document information”); and
6.4.2all information as investors and their professional advisers
would reasonably require, and expect to find there, to make
an informed assessment of:-
6.4.2.athe assets and liabilities, financial position, profits and
losses and prospects of the Issuer; and
6.4.2.bThe rights that are attached to the Issuer’s securities
6.5After reviewing the Offer Document and Term Sheet, the Application
Committee may:
6.5.1require such changes or additions to the information
contained in the Offer Document and Term Sheet, as it may
in its absolute discretion decide;
6.5.2ask for additional information to verify any information in the
Offer Document and/or Term Sheet;
6.5.3impose additional conditions on the admission of securities;
6.5.4delay the date of admission of the securities, or refuse the
admission entirely where it considers that this is in the best
interest of investors.
6.6Concerning the contents of any Offer Document and Term Sheet,
Issuers must be aware:
6.6.1they should disclose, among other things, any bankruptcies,
sequestrations, criminal and judicial proceedings in which any
of their directors are or have been involved in, and additional
pertinent information relating to them; and
6.6.2CrowdX expects that an Issuer and its directors, jointly and
severally, take responsibility for the contents of the Offer
Document and Term Sheet.
6.6.3They must include a declaration stating that they have taken
all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained
in the Offer Document and Term Sheet is, to the best of their
knowledge, accurate and contains no omission likely to affect
its import.
6.7When an Offer Document and Term Sheet are in their final form (as
agreed between the Application Committee and the Issuer), CrowdX
will publish the documents and the offer timetable on the Issuer’s
section of the Platform.
6.8If the Issuer or any of its directors become aware that any information
in either the Offer Document and/or the Term Sheet is incorrect or
incomplete, whether before or after publication on the Platform, they
must notify CrowdX immediately. On such notification, CrowdX may:
6.8.1Require an addendum to the Offer Document to be
6.8.2Require the Offer Document to be removed entirely
6.8.3Suspend an admission until conditions are met.
6.9CrowdX reserves the right to remove any Offer Document and/or
Term Sheet from its Platform when it becomes aware of any changes
which may make the documents misleading. CrowdX also reserves
the right to extend the offer period.
6.10The share price is set by the Issuer.
6.11Issuers may customise certain elements of their market:
6.11.1When their market opens and closes;
6.11.2The minimum deal size;
6.11.3The circuit breakers employed based on a percentage move of price.
6.12The status of CrowdX for the purpose of financial promotions made
on the platform is:
6.12.1We are authorised to bring about deals and investments;
6.12.2our fees are transparent;
6.12.3we only work with authorised market counterparties; and
6.12.4we do not transact directly with retail investors; and
6.12.5all offer documents are provided by the client and their
advisor for institutional distribution.
6.13CrowdX opportunities do not fall under the Prospectus Regulation
2005 and are only accessed via qualified market intermediaries.

7. Issuer obligations after joining CrowdX

7.1An Issuer admitted to CrowdX must:-
7.1.1continue to comply with the Market Rules
7.1.2make appropriate and timely disclosures to ensure that
CrowdX is at all times adequately informed of matters which either:
7.1.2.amay lead to a substantial movement in the price of
those securities, or in the case of debt securities,
significantly affect the Issuer’s ability to meet its
commitments; or
7.1.2.binvestors would, having regard to the nature of the
Issuer and the securities in question, reasonably
require, and reasonably expect to be disclosed, to make
an informed assessment of:
7.1.2.b.ithe assets and liabilities, financial position,
profits and losses and prospects of the Issuer;
7.1.2.b.iithe rights attaching to the Issuer’s securities,
subject in either case to such exceptions as
CrowdX may reasonably prescribe from time to time.
7.1.3provide CrowdX with annual financial statements (signed off
by either directors or approved by an auditor) and other
reports, whether through an audit or otherwise, following the minimum acceptable standards;
7.1.4ensure that the Issuer and its advisers take all reasonable care
to ensure that any statement or forecast or any other
information it notifies to CrowdX is accurate, complete and not
misleading and does not omit anything likely to affect the
import of such statement, forecast or additional information;
7.1.5ensure that all statements, forecasts and other information
that require disclosure on CrowdX comply with all applicable
laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, section 21
of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial
Promotions) and the FCA Rules, if applicable;
7.1.6notify CrowdX of all transactions by its directors in the Issuer's
securities admitted to CrowdX within two business days of the
transaction date. The Issuer should specify the nature of the
transaction, and the number of securities or units involved in
the transaction price per security or unit.
7.2Companies must publish:-
7.2.1annual accounts prepared per the UK Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles or International Accounting Standards
no later than six months after the end of the financial period
to which they relate; and
7.2.2a half-yearly report in respect of the first six month period of
any financial period no later than three months after the end
of the period to which they relate, which should at least
include a summary of profit and loss, balance sheet and
management commentary.
7.3Any statements, forecasts or other information making reference to
CrowdX or the Platform must be submitted no later than two weeks
to CrowdX before publication.
7.4Issuers must retain a corporate advisor at all times and must notify
CrowdX in the event of the resignation or dismissal of its Corporate
7.5Issuers must notify CrowdX should they terminate the relationship
with their Registrar and must have a new one in place, which CrowdX
has approved.

8. Suspensions and Termination

8.1Termination of Membership will be in accordance with the
agreement between CrowdX and the Issuer and/or following 75%
shareholders’ approval (and thereby the admission of the issuer’s
securities to CrowdX).
Suspension of an issue can be initiated by CrowdX as under section
5.3, 6.9 and 9.2 of the market rules. Members may also suspend their
offer at any point during the Offer Period.
8.2CrowdX does not accept liability to the Issuer concerned, its approved
Advisor or approved Intermediary, holders of the Issuer’s securities,
prospective investors in the issuer company’s securities or any other
8.3CrowdX and its affiliated brokers may disclose information within its
8.3.1to cooperate with persons responsible for the investigation or
prosecution of financial crime or other offences;
8.3.2to carry out its regulatory functions, including instructing or
defending legal proceedings;
8.3.3with the consent of an Issuer, or as required or permitted by
law; and
8.3.4after giving reasonable notice to an Issuer that has failed to
ensure that investors receive the information to which they
are entitled under these Market Rules.

8. Suspensions and Termination

9.1CrowdX may take disciplinary action against an Issuer that has
breached its responsibilities under these Market Rules.
9.2Where an Issuer has been found to have breached its responsibilities
under these rules, CrowdX may impose the following disciplinary
9.2.1withdrawal of the Issuer's securities from admission; and
9.2.2publish the fact that it has been censured or withdrawn and
the reasons for that action.
9.2.3Terminate the Issuer’s membership of the Platform in
accordance with the contract between the Issuer and CrowdX
9.3CrowdX may disclose information within its possession:
9.3.1to cooperate with persons responsible for the investigation or
prosecution of financial crime or other offences;
9.3.2to carry out its regulatory functions, including instructing or
defending legal proceedings; or
9.3.3otherwise with the Issuer's consent or its CrowdX Corporate
Adviser, or insofar as required or permitted by law.

9. Investigations Sanctions and Discipline

9.1CrowdX may take disciplinary action against an Issuer that has
breached its responsibilities under these Market Rules.
9.2Where an Issuer has been found to have breached its responsibilities
under these rules, CrowdX may impose the following disciplinary
9.2.1withdrawal of the Issuer's securities from admission; and
9.2.2publish the fact that it has been censured or withdrawn and
the reasons for that action.
9.2.3Terminate the Issuer’s membership of the Platform in
accordance with the contract between the Issuer and CrowdX
9.3CrowdX may disclose information within its possession:
9.3.1to cooperate with persons responsible for the investigation or
prosecution of financial crime or other offences;
9.3.2to carry out its regulatory functions, including instructing or
defending legal proceedings; or
9.3.3otherwise with the Issuer's consent or its CrowdX Corporate
Adviser, or insofar as required or permitted by law.

10. Approved Intermediaries

10.1subject to an application procedure (“Approved Intermediaries' ').
10.2An Approved Intermediary must be able to demonstrate to the
satisfaction of CrowdX on initial application and on an ongoing basis,
that, among other things:-
10.2.11. it is fit and proper;
10.2.2It is authorised and regulated by the FCA, or equivalent
overseas regulator, to deal in equities on an agency or
principal basis;
10.2.3it has a sufficient level of trading ability and competence
concerning the types of activities it proposes to conduct on
the Platform;
10.2.4it can perform its required activities and responsibilities under
applicable legislation or regulation in any country in which it
operates; and
10.2.5 It has adequate internal systems and procedures appropriate
for the activities it proposes to conduct on the Platform.
10.3If an Approved Intermediary does not continue to satisfy the
requirements set out above, CrowdX may, without prior notice, revoke
the approved status of the Approved Intermediary at any time. The
revocation is without any liability to such Approved Intermediary, any
Issuers, holders of the Issuers’ securities, prospective investors in
Issuers’ securities or any other party.
10.4During the application process, The Application Committee may
inquire about the Approved Intermediary and request any additional
information that it considers appropriate to determine the applicant's
suitability to be an Approved Intermediary

11. Investor Access and Orders

11.1Investors may only access the Platform through Approved
Intermediaries which are registered with us to interface directly with
CrowdX. Investors may register with CrowdX to receive a list of
registered intermediaries.
Investors will be the clients of the Approved Intermediary and will
not be clients of CrowdX, and it will be the responsibility of the
Approved Intermediary to carry out the onboarding of investors.
11.2Investor orders on CrowdX must be received electronically through
the CrowdX Fix Gateway or from approved trading front ends via an
Approved Intermediary.
11.3Orders may be deleted or amended at any time during market
opening hours for the instrument. Amending an order is equivalent
to deleting and re-submitting an order in terms of time priority (i.e. an
amended order loses its place in the queue).
11.4The names of CrowdX’s Approved Intermediaries will be published on
the CrowdX website unless specifically requested otherwise. Details
will include the name of the firm, postal address, telephone number
and web address.
11.5Account handling, custody and transaction reporting procedures are
the responsibility of the Approved Intermediary.